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Ambience Yoga Comprises 3 Boutique Yoga Studios in Singapore and 1 in Penang, Malaysia attached to a Cafe.. Selling Individually or as a Whole Business including Companies
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創立於2012年的Design Your Own Wine/DYOW是一個香港品牌,致力於為世界各地的人們創造充滿愛的永恆禮物。我們已經發展成為一個區域品牌,可以為從新加坡到澳大利亞的客戶提供服務,並且我們正在尋求通過我們的手工藝品來創造更長久的記憶! DYOW有多年的禮品製作經驗,是定制高級玻璃瓶的專家、大型企業和個人的首選葡萄酒裝飾品牌;還能自行生產用於包裝的定製印刷和雕刻木箱,從內到外包裝都

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Safety First in my class Humility is the key and foundation of yoga. It must be beyond the mat and in everything you re doing. It eventually opens the doorway to love and to respect. - Savitri Palk

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